High Performance Business Coaching for Ecopreneurs and Eco-Conscious Businesses Who Want To Make a Bigger Impact and Earn with Ease

Applications Now Open for 2021!!!!


If you're ready for success in your eco service-based business - creating lucrative new programs, charging what you're worth, letting go of perfectionism and overwhelm, pressing reset on your money mindset - then join me inside Eco Business Circle

Sound familiar?

// You know you've been under charging and over-delivering, and you wish you had someone to help you price your services and encourage full pay clients

// You love what you do but aren't sure how to best organize your expertise into lucrative, client-attracting packages

// You crave having an eco brand that captures your unique spirit, personality and passion, positioning you to powerfully stand out from the cookie-cutter crowd

// You feel in your heart that your mindset about money could definitely benefit from a makeover

// You feel nervous every time you price your services or talk with a prospective client, knowing you're not quite sure of what to say when it comes to the money part

// You want your eco brand to truly walk the talk and you could do with some help to navigate the zero-waste, carbon-neutral path

If this is YOU then it's time to transform what feels overwhelming in your business into everyday easy, in a way that feels powerfully authentic for you. 

That's why I'm thrilled to invite you into my Eco Business Circle

Here's the Key...

You started your eco business because your dream is to positively impact our beautiful Earth, work from your zone of genius and feel excited that you're making good money doing work that's aligned with your strong eco values and that lights you up.

What you're seeking now is for all the puzzle pieces to easily fall into place so you can reach your goals and achieve your dream without waiting any longer. 

Here's a peek at what your eco business looks like when we are coaching together:

Here's a sneak peek at what your eco business looks like when we're coaching together...

// You have lucrative, client-attracting packages that spotlight your value and your unique way of working with clients

// You're charging what you're worth and love how good it feels to be free and no longer over-delivering 

// Your new pricing structures are adding income to your bank account with every new client and enable you to easily contribute to causes that are important to you

// You have crystal clear clarity about your eco niche, and feel excited every day to only be working with clients you LOVE, and who appreciate YOU, your expertise and your strong eco-values

// Your new mindset around money perfectly aligns with your goals and is powerfully supporting you to reach them

// You feel confident, calm and relaxed talking with prospective clients (or delivering your sales pitch on a webinar), knowing exactly what to say when it comes to the money part

// You feel aligned and confident about your eco brand and how easily it is to powerfully and authentically stand out from the crowd

Eco Business Circle is for you...

If you're ready to make a bigger impact in our world, start making more money and feel that you are aligned and on purpose with your eco business.

Julia Keady
CEO/Founder, The Xfactor Collective

"The Laura's of the world are so rare and so needed right now. Women who have been there & done it themselves, and are happy to coach you on the best, fastest and most efficient way to achieve your vision. Don't think twice. Just work with Laura. You won't regret it."

Victoria Gibson
Online Success Mentor for Women,

“If you're even remotely interested in growing your eco business in the online space, look no further than Laura Trotta. Laura has an innate understanding of what it takes to create, grow and sell ethical and sustainable businesses, and with her own personal runs on the board, she's the best person in the online space to help you do the same.”

No Need To Tell Me More - I'm Ready!!!


Let’s be honest:

You've been in the business game long enough now to know that you get there FASTER by working with someone who's been there before. And you get there FASTER again by surrounding yourself with like-minded ecopreneurs all treading a similar path.

But how do you know who to trust in the online world?

It seems every corner you turn there's another online business coach who promises everything, delivers nothing and whose only business ever has been online coaching.

You're after someone to guide you who's been there, done that and has the (organic cotton) t-shirt and business awards to prove it.

Someone who has created, launched, scaled and even sold (!) profitable online sustainability businesses.

Someone who really understands what it's like to want to make a decent living and change the world at the same time.

Hi, I’m Laura

Like many ecopreneurs keen to change the world in a big way, I took my passion online.  Eleven years' ago I created my first online venture while on maternity leave from my environmental engineering career, an eco-baby e-commerce business called 'Sustainababy'.

It grew quickly and by 12 months, despite just working an hour or so each day when my baby napped, my business was turning over 6-figures in revenue and I was exporting products all around the world from my tiny town in Outback South Australia.

Within a couple of years my eco business was paying me a solid "wage", I’d collected a swag of local, regional and national business awards and was managing a small team.

Sustainababy continued to grow into a successful ethical brand, but after managing the business for six years around birthing and caring for my babies, I was keen for a change. After years of working around the clock I wanted to get on top of some health issues and I knew I needed to work SMARTER, not harder if I wanted my business to be sustainable for me.

What followed was a period of immense transformation in my business and life. 

I invested in money mindset training and engaged the support of a business coach and mastermind (not to mention doctors and a naturopath for my health... but that's another story).

I launched my first online sustainable living course, which gave me a taste of passive, leveraged income while guiding thousands of people to create a healthier, more sustainable home. Plus I sold my e-commerce business, set about creating a sustainability membership, my Eco Chat podcast (which flew out the gates to top its category in iTunes) and started coaching other impact-driven educators, experts and consultants to do the same.

Finally! I was working LESS, earning MORE and I had time to spend the precious early years with my sons. I'd also freed up time to focus on my health and wellbeing, such important components for a truly successful life.

So much has changed in the 11 years since I created my first eco business (smartphones weren't even a thing back then), but the fundamentals are the same….. a solid business model that provides for leverage and passive income, a smart strategy to drive traffic to your website/s and efficient systems that help you to scale your eco business with ease. I can show you how to do all these......

My WHY has always been to reduce the impact of humans on our planet to ensure future generations can enjoy our precious Earth, but I realized along the way that working harder wasn't sustainable for me. Upgrading my money mindset and packaging my expertise online were the KEYS to this big shift in how I valued myself and my services and I'm thrilled to be able to help you upgrade yours. 

Here's what's we'll cover during your 12 months of coaching in Eco Business Circle... 

Take a look at what we'll coach on:

// Month 1: Money Mindset Mastery - Coaching together, we'll create a fresh, empowering success mindset for you - shifting your beliefs and actions in the process - so you quickly begin creating new and exciting results in your eco business

// Month 2: Branding with Archetypes - Coaching together, you'll discover your Brand Archetype, which unlocks the powerful, instantly recognizable presence within you that's a client-attraction and opportunity magnet

// Month 3: Implementation - Coaching together we'll work through specific issues and actions where you need support 

// Month 4 - Eco Niche Breakthrough Secrets - Revealing your niche is surprisingly easy with the simple steps I'll coach you through

// Month 5: Your Client-Attracting Signature System - Coaching together, I'll walk you step by step through how to transform your expertise - including the magic that makes YOU unique - into an exciting Signature System that attracts a steady stream of ideal eco clients

// Month 6: Implementation - Coaching together we'll work through specific issues and actions where you need support

// Month 7: How to Package Your Expertise into Offers that Sell - Every business has the opportunity to offer packages and the benefits are huge - you serve clients who truly desire what you have to offer, while you work fewer hours for significantly more income. This could be what catapults your reputation, too.

// Month 8: How to Charge What You're Worth and Get It - If you struggle with how much to charge and how to confidently talk about your fees, you are not alone. I'll coach you to clear out feelings of unworthiness, plus give you practical tools so you can charge what you're worth and discuss your fees like a pro.

// Month 9: Implementation - Coaching together we'll work through specific issues and actions where you need support

// Month 10: How to Sign on New Clients - Ready to feel confident about how you can start getting new clients signing on with you? Creating a steady stream of ideal clients is surprisingly easy, and I'll show you how!

// Month 11: Eco Business Fundamentals - Coaching together, we'll work together to identify a 'Sustainability Roadmap' for your business so you can truly 'walk the talk' and become a zero-waste, carbon neutral organisation that gives back to society. 

// Month 12: Implementation - Coaching together we'll work through specific issues and actions where you need support

Eco Business Circle Includes:

// Weekly group coaching calls with Laura (held online)

// Ten 30 minute private coaching calls with Laura

// Goals and Strategy 90 minute Virtual VIP Breakthrough Coaching Session with Laura

// Online forum to connect with other members of Eco Business Circle and Laura outside the coaching calls

// Private coaching thread with Laura to get priority turnaround on your eco business questions

// Beautiful Client Workbook filled with activities that Laura will coach you through over the 12 months to transform your eco business

If you are:
  • // Ready to create client-attracting packages that spotlight your value and practically sell themselves
  • // Ready to let go of fear and charge what you're worth
  • // Ready to release money blocks and stand powerfully for your value
  • // Ready to work with ideal eco clients YOU love and who love to pay you for the transformational work you do with them
  • // Ready to confidently and calmly talk with prospective clients, even about the money part
  • // Ready to let go of doubt and claim your worth as a heartfelt and unstoppable woman
  • // Ready to get the support + do what it takes to make your eco business dreams a reality

Then I invite you to join me in this transformational coaching program for eco businesses

So what exactly is Eco Business CircleTM?

In short, it’s an online high performance coaching group for eco, ethical & sustainable business owners who are ready to make a Bigger IMPACT.

The combination of group coaching, tailored training and personalized 1:1 mentoring with experienced environmental engineer and ecopreneur Laura Trotta will provide you with the knowledge and support to quickly grow your eco business in the online space as well as ensure that your business walks its talk and is as green as possible.

"When we started coaching with Laura, we had pretty much been treading water in our business for 12 months - just staying afloat. We had a reasonable following on Facebook, an ok email database, an in-person workshop we ran and an eCourse. With Laura's guidance, we repriced both our workshop and eCourse, so are now making more money from both.

We adopted a much more structured and calculated launch for our eCourse which resulted in a significant jump in our email data base and our biggest launch of the eCourse in 3 years. Laura is a sharp operator, a perpetual researcher of the online business world and simply just down to earth. With her guidance, you can be moving your business forward too."
​​​​​​​ - Belinda Smith, The Root Cause

Get Ready To Feel:

  • Relieved when you have your personalised roadmap for eco business success laid out in front of you
  • Supported knowing there’s a growing group of eco business builders who have your back
  • Loved when you grow your network of loyal, devoted customers who return to your business time and time again
  • Elated when you wake up to sales that processed while you were sleeping or feeding your baby
  • Like an Absolute Rockstar when sale by sale, your offerings are helping make the world a better place
"Laura's experience and expertise gave me the confidence and know how to grow my brand, build my list, write a course and launch it. She has also helped me plan the path forward in my business too. She has done all this through her down to earth and positive nature. She has held me accountable when needed and pushed me to stretch myself when I've doubted my message or myself. If you are looking to grow your online business, I can't recommend Laura highly enough." - Bec Eli, Girl Empowered
No Need To Tell Me More I’m Ready!

Who Is Eco Business Circle For?

Does This Sound Like You?

// Your business has strong environmental and sustainability values at its core

// You're an educator, expert or consultant servicing the sustainability niche

// You're a products-based eco business looking to create more leverage by adding programs or services to your offerings

// Your eco business is making money (you can comfortably invest in coaching)

// You're the owner of your business (I don't work with MLMs)

// You lead a team (however small) or you're ready to lead a team that supports YOU

// You're ready to invest in yourself and your eco business to make a Bigger IMPACT

Who Is Eco Business Circle Not For?

If you're a start up, an MLM or if your business isn't in the sustainability field, this isn't the right coaching offering for you.

"Having Laura's expert help has helped me get clearer on my business and plans and has kept me moving forward at a steady pace. She's kept me concentrated on growing and developing my business, not just getting stuck in working for the business and getting lost and distracted. She's also assisted me with tools for my business planning from the day to day stuff to the short and longer term goals, which has been amazing." - Lenka Harvey, Lenka Couture


When Does Eco Business Circle Start and How Does It Run?

Eco Business Circle will start on Wednesday 20 January and run through to Wednesday 22 December 2021. Group coaching calls will occur at 11 ACST (Adelaide) on Wednesdays. Once your application is accepted you'll be able to book your 1:1 coaching calls with Laura. Due to the high level of service provided, places are extremely limited.

I’m Not Sure About The Group Coaching Element. What If There's A Similar Business To Mine In The Group?

While I'm a firm believer that there's room for everyone online and collaboration trumps competition, I check for conflict of interest and seek approval of existing members prior to accepting a similar businesses into the circle. If you don't want a business similar to yours in the group, just say so.

How Much Time Do I Need to Invest To Get The Most Out Of My Investment?

For best results, prioritize attending the weekly group coaching session and set aside an hour afterwards to implement any quick wins.  Note that it's not about the time your investment will take, it's about the amount of time you'll save. You'll literally shave YEARS off your business journey.

What If I Don’t Like Eco Business Circle?

Just as my commitment to you is 12 months, your commitment to Eco Business Circle is also 12 months. However, I appreciate that life can be life and extenuating circumstances pop up from time to time. If you are unable to continue your commitment simply let me know. It's my ultimate wish for you to succeed so you can change the world, but I do understand that we sometimes need to hit pause on our dreams due to outside factors.

How Do I Know If Laura's The Right Coach For My Business?

Hit Apply and book your FREE Strategy Call and you'll soon know! 

Laura has coached many conscious business owners to package up their experience and expertise online. As one of Australia's first certified Ontraport Consultants, she's highly trained and experienced in online marketing and automation. These skills, together with her 11 years experience in online eco business PLUS her strategic and creative, engineering mind (honed during  her 13 year career working as an environmental engineer and business improvement specialist), enables her to guide her clients to get clarity on the vision of their conscious business right down to the smallest action that needs to occur to help them make a Bigger IMPACT. Additionally, Laura is currently training as a Certified Money Breakthrough Business Coach and is always developing her coaching skills. 

When you work with Laura you’re working with someone who’s just as comfortable talking big picture strategy as the smallest action you need to take to achieve your vision….. In fact, her “zone of genius” is helping you get clarity on your vision and chunking down the best path for you to achieve it in the fastest way possible so you can make a bigger impact in the world.

Fiona Hooper
Fiona Hooper Osteopathy

“Teaming up with Laura was the turning point for not only my business but also my life! Laura's knowledge and experience is so invaluable. If you're looking for the Blueprint for online business success then you're in the right place!”

Anna D'Amelio
Miod Natural Skincare

"Working with Laura was one of the best business decisions I've made. It was so fantastic to have someone to bounce ideas off and check in with and particularly someone that also understood the challenges of running a business and being a mum. My business is now in an exciting new place and I'm so excited to see where things will go from here."

© Laura Trotta Enterprises Pty Ltd